
Showing posts from August, 2018

What is Beauty Chapter-17 Saundarayalahari By Sri Shankara Bhagavatoadacharya's

What is Beauty Beauty is the moksha that is the bliss of becoming one with the brahman ? we look at a lotus or the full moon and we are happy but will such happiness result in the great bliss called moksha?. We see that peots who have aesthetic experience of a pellucid nature discern god in beauty and even know the bliss of being aware of the brahman from there descriptions of nature itself we can infer that through the contemplation of nature itself they experience unalloyed beatitude What is peotry ? deos it mean nature and man depicted in a beautiful manner, taking into accounct all the characteristics of nature and all the natural qualites of man great writers of alankara sastra have shown that such an experience of beauty can lead us to liberation Sree ravindranath tagoreji has expressed the view that to experience beauty is to come face to face with god when we say sat-chit-ananda it means that jnana and ananda are indissolubly united with sat or truth or self or so

Budhi Rathu By Saint Thyagaraja Translated by P.R.Ramachander

Budhi Rathu By Saint Thyagaraja Translated by P.R.Ramachander Ragam SAnkarabharanam THalam Chapu Pallavi Budhi radhu, Budhi radhu, Peddala   suddhula vinaka Pallavi Will not get wisdom, will not get wisdom, Unless  you hear the advice of great/elderly  people Anupallavi Budhi Radhu, Budhi Radhu,  Boori vidhyala nerchina Anupallavi Will not get wisdom, Will not get wisdom, Unless one learns all  knowledge. Charanam 1.Dhanya Dhanmula    chetha, Dharmamenthayu chesina, Nanya chitha  bhakthula, Vagamrutha panama seyyaga Charanam 1.Even if one does  great charity, Of grains    and wealth  to any extent , Unless one drinks the nectar of words, From devotees who  do not think  anything except God 2.Manaka  bhagavadhadi , Ramayanamula   sadivina, Manushavathara  charitha, Marmajule  jatha koodaka 2.Even without any rest you keep on reading, from Bhagavatha Purana to Ramayana, Unless you get the

Amma , Dharma samvarddhani Amma , Dharma samvarddhani

Amma , Dharma samvarddhani Amma  , Dharma samvarddhani (Goddess of Thiruvayyaru) Ragam Atana Thalam Aadhi Pallavi Amma Dharma Samvarddhini, aadhukkovamma maayamma Pallavi Oh Mother who   protects and increases Dharma, Please protect me , Oh my mother Anupallavi Immahini , ne sari , Tevaramma, Shivuni  kommamma Anupallavi In this world who is equal to you, Oh Mother    who is the consort of Lord Shiva. Charanam 1.Dathri   dara nayaka   priya puthri, Madana koti manjula, Gathri, Aruna neeraja dala  nethri , nirupama Shubha , Gathri  peeda nilaye, Vara  hastha drutha   valaye  , paramapa , Vithri, BHaktha palana durandharim, Veera SAkthi ne namminaa, Charanam 1,Oh mother, Oh dear daughter of king of mountains. Who has a pretty form equal to billions of Gods of love , Who has eyes like the petal of red lotus  , Who has matchless auspicious form, Who stays on Sri Chakra,  Who wears bangles on  the hands giving  boo

Athade danyudura By Saint Thyagaraja Translated by P.R.Ramachander

Athade danyudura by saint thyagarja  Athade danyudura By Saint Thyagaraja Translated by P.R.Ramachander Pallavi Athadedanyudura , oh Manasa Pallavi Oh mind  , he  is the blessed  one Anupallavi SAthathayaasudha druthamaina  Seetha-, Pathi padayugamula sathathamu  smariyinchu Anupallavi He  who carries always  remembers, The son of wind god who always carries  Rama’s feet Pallavi 1,Venakatheega thana  manasu ranjillaka , Ganamaina nama keerthanna parudainatti Pallavi 1, He who  always  sings   the name of the Lord, With a mind full of joy which never goes back 2,Dumburuvale   dana thambura  batti dha- Yambudhi sannidhaa  nambuna natiyinchu 2.He who likwe the sahe  Dumburu holds  , The Thambura in his hand  and dances before the God 3,Jayaku  sujanula  bayaka  thanu  nu- Payumunanu  podhu   hayiga gadibina 3.He who without begging from others , and  Not leaving  out the relation of good people  , And with spending h

Jai Sree Surya Narayana Picture


Sree Lalitha Tripura Sundari Devi


Anandamayi Ma

You asked about sense objects: an object of sense visaya,( - sense object, vis -poison, ha - ‘is’) is that which contains poison, is full of harm and drags man towards death. But freedom from the world of sense objects (nirvisaya) - where no trace of poison remains - means immortality. -You asked about sense objects: an object of sense visaya,( - sense object, vis -poison, ha - ‘is’) is that which contains poison, is full of harm and drags man towards death. But freedom from the world of sense objects (nirvisaya) - where no trace of poison remains - means immortality. - Anandamayi Ma

Letters from Sri Ramanasramam - MOKSHA

8th January 1946 (22) MOKSHA A few days ago, a lady, a recent arrival, came into the hall at about 3 p.m. and sat down. All the time she was there, she was trying to get up and ask something of Sri Bhagavan. As Bhagavan appeared not to have noticed her and was reading a book, she waited for a while. As soon as Bhagavan put the book aside, she got up, approached the sofa and said without any fear or hesitation, “Swami, I have only one desire. May I tell you what it is?” “Yes,” said Bhagavan, “What do you want?” “I want moksha,” she said. “Oh, is that so?” remarked Bhagavan. “Yes, Swamiji, I do not want anything else. Is it enough if you give me moksha,” said she. Suppressing a smile that had almost escaped his lips, Bhagavan said, “Yes, yes, that is all right; that is good.” “It will not do if you say that you will give it sometime later. You must give it to me here and now,” she said. “It is all right,” said Bhagavan. “Will you give it now? I must be going,” said she. B

Sri Varasiddhi Vinayaka Swamy Temple - Jayanagar 4th Block Bangalore Harti


Guru Brahma Guru Vishnu Gurudevo Maheshwara: Lyrics & Meaning

Guru Brahma Guru Vishnu Gurudevo Maheshwara: Lyrics & Meaning Lyrics in Sanskrit गुरुर्ब्रह्मा गुरुर्विष्णु र्गुरुर्देवो महेश्वरः गुरु साक्षात परब्रह्मा तस्मै श्रीगुरवे नमः Lyrics in English GururBrahma GururVishnu GururDevo Maheshwaraha Guru Saakshaat ParaBrahma Tasmai Sri Gurave Namaha Meaning in English Guru is the Creator (Brahma), Guru is the Preserver(Vishnu), GuruDeva is Destroyer(Maheshwara) Guru is the absolute (singular) Lord himself, Salutations to that Sri Guru Meaning of the words Guru : Dispeller of Darkness;  Gu =Darkness,  Ru =Remover Brahma : Creator; Personification of Creating Quality of God Vishnu : Preserver; Personification of Preserving quality of God Deva : God Maheshwara : Destroyer; Personification of Destroying Quality of God Saakshaat : Self/ Himself ParaBrahma : He who is the highest Lord; Consciousness Tasmai : To him/ To such Sri : Holy, splendorous  Namaha : Salutations