
Showing posts from September, 2019

90.1 – Sri Sankara Charitham by Maha Periyava – Greatness of Govindar

90.1 – Sri Sankara Charitham by Maha Periyava – Greatness of Govindar Greatness of Govindar Govinda Bhagavatpada, the sanyasi, was leading his life by wandering as a religious mendicant (Parivrajakara-परिव्राजक) sometimes, and at other times sitting in one place in meditation totally absorbed, forgetting his own self. It is not clearly known which books he has written.  There is an opinion that ‘Yoga Taravali’ (योग तारावली) and ‘Advaitanubhuti’ (अद्वैतानुभूति) which are ascribed to Acharya [Sri Adi Sankara], were actually written by Govinda Bhagavatpada.  Since there is an opinion like this, even if Acharya has written these books, it can be said that he must have got the inspiration only from Govinda Bhagavatpada.  Beginning with describing the nuances of the Yoga Sastra like Ashtanga Yoga, ‘Yoga Taravali’ talks about proceeding on the same path, getting soaked in a state of total meditation (समाधि) of Advaitanubhuti and shine in the permanent state of Purnasthiti, (पूर्ण

Sri Sankara Charitham by Maha Periyava – Similarities with Ramanuja

Similarities with Ramanuja Ramanuja (रामानुजाचार्य) has similarities with our Acharya to some extent.  In general, Ramanuja has done everything differently from Acharya. When we look at it, only Dvaita (द्वैत – Duality) is exactly opposite to Advaita (अद्वैत – Non-Duality), rather than his Visishtadvaita (विशिष्टाद्वैत – Qualified non-duality).  Still, in the matter of procedures, it was Ramanuja who had done drastically differently, rather than Madhvacharya [मध्वाचार्य].  Similar to that of Acharya, Madhva has also prescribed in his traditional observances [संप्रदाय], things like directly moving to Sanyasa from Brahmacharya [ब्रह्मचर्य – period of unmarried religious studentship], tonsuring, removing the sacred thread, etc.  However, in the traditions laid down by Ramanuja, Sanyasis have the tuft of hair intact and wear the sacred thread too. People who are householders become Sanyasis. If a single staff [एकदण्ड -Eka Danda] is prescribed for us [Sanyasis under the Sankara tr