
Showing posts from September, 2020

Greatness of Nama


112. Sri Sankara Charitham by Maha Periyava – Offering the mind and silent contemplation

  Offering the mind and silent contemplation Let it [the celebration of Acharya’s Jayanti the way I desire] happen whenever it does.  What we should do right away is that on the day of Acharya’s [Sri Adi Sankara’s] Jayanti, we should dedicate our minds to Acharya.  Before we ceremonially celebrate it [the utsavam – Jayanti of Acharya] with material things and with physical effort, we should do it with our minds. Even while celebrating the utsavam in a big way by offering material and physical effort, the biggest puja would be to completely offer our mind to him and surrender.  When I say this, it does not mean that the external utsavam is not required. It should also be done with complete focus of mind. Now, for some time, let us offer our mind exclusively to Acharya 1 .  Instead of deriving pleasure by talking and listening about the greatness of the incarnation and other related things, let us submit our mind to Acharya to the maximum extent possible.  That would be the greatest joy.

Shanmukhi Mudra


Understanding Pitta Prakiti

Understanding Pitta Prakiti   1.   Medium body frame, and weight 2.   Intolerance to heat 3.   Dislikes hot drinks, food and environment 4.   Excessive hunger and thirst 5.   Rapid digestion and metabolism 6.   Lots of moles, freckles, or Pimples 7.   Balding and hair-falling tendency 8.   Profuse sweat and urine, strong body odour 9.   Soft, firm joints and muscles 10.                   Medium fertility 11.                   Sharp, intelligent and creative in nature 12.                   Radiant, valorous, proud 13.                   Tendency towards anger, irritability under stress 14.                   Fond of arguing, difficult to subjugate 15.                   Moderate in strength, wealth, lifespan and knowledge 16.                   Requires a job in cooler atmosphere with creative, intelligent work 17.                   Dreams contain fieriness, gold, sun lightening, quarrels, struggles               The theme of pitta type is