
Showing posts from October, 2020

Swami Nirmalananda

  Swami Nirmalananda Love not anyone, not even God! Our picking and choosing love brings misery. Instead, let God love you. Be Love itself.  —Shri Swami Nirmalananda (1924-1997) Swami Nirmalananda believed in the potency of Self rule, and he called himself the “Anarchist Swami.” He was a naturalist, a vegan and a  mauni —he practiced silence for 11 years. From his solitary ashram deep in the wild forest in south India where he lived with Bambi, his deer companion, Swami Nirmalananda spread his message about peace and non-violence through letters he wrote to world leaders and followers around the world. Through his practice and his teachings, Sharon and David gained confirmation of what they had been discovering on their own—that political activism is an essential part of spiritual practice. For several years, David lived as a  sannyas  (renunciate) after having been initiated by Swami Nirmalananda in 1989 and given the name Swami Bodhananada. Swami Nirmalananda taught Sharon and David

A Saint's Self-Willed Death

  A Saint's Self-Willed Death Rationalists call aged and afflicted swami's fast to death "publicity stunt" Choodie Shivaram, Bangalore Dear friends," began Swami Nirmalananda's short missive of December 23, 1996, "It is with tearful feelings that I bid you farewell. My so-called end is really endless, as there is no end and beginning for life." Similar letters sent worldwide to 8,000 friends--he called no one his "disciple"--calmly announced the 73-year-old swami's intent to undergo  prayopavesha,  self-willed death by fasting. Also called  mahaprasthana , "the great departure," scriptures allow the practice for a terminally-ill ascetic. "My body has become weak," he explained to Swami Brahmadeva, his designated successor as head of Viswa Shanti Nikethana ashram. "I do not want to be a burden and die in roga (disease), I want to die in  yoga . I have discharged all my duties and lived a full life. Now time has

Navarathri Special Beautiful Drawings by Smt Sowmya’s



  I LIVED WITH GOD D.Sundararaman (Sundararaman, ‘that son of Duraiswamy’) Recently, my wife, Lakshmi and I went to Kancheepuram on January 7, 1993, to have ‘darshan’ of our Periaval and to get his blessings for the forthcoming wedding of our son Guruprasad.  On reaching the Kanchi Kamakoti Math, we learnt that Periaval was not giving darshan that day and might not give darshan the following day also.  Still, we waited in line in the place where he usually gives darshan, from 11.30 a.m. to 12 -noon.  Then we watched the puja to Chandramauleeswarar, being performed by His Holiness Sri Sankara Vijayendra Saraswati Swamigal.  After the puja we got his blessings.  Then we went to my nephew Chandru’s house in Kancheepuram.  At about 4.30 p.m. we felt we should go back to the Math, thinking that perhaps we may be lucky to have Periyaval’s darshan that evening.  Well Informed persons told us that was quite unlikely.  At about 5.30 p.m., we were told that Periaval would give darshan for some m