
Showing posts from November, 2019

Upanishad Darshini


Periyava Golden Quotes-1124

Periyava Golden Quotes-1124 Dropping money in the Hundi as an offering in a mechanical way is not all that great a gesture. Considering the inflation rate prevailing now, it will be easier for anyone to drop some amount. That of course is good and necessary too. But instead of dropping money mechanically in the Hundi, if we try to collect the discarded vegetable peels without incurring any expense and offer them directly as a feed to the cow, we will realise that watching the cow eating it gives a unique satisfaction more than anything else. This is the most important aspect in service; more than the involvement of money and labour, there should be a soul to soul interaction in it. When service minded people come together, apart from establishing a biological communication, those who are benefiting from the service should also get connected with them directly. Isn’t the same Eswara who has manifested Himself as all these species? The essence of service lies in experiencing

Sleep Well to Get Good Grades




Great Gurus of India - YOGI RAM SURAT KUMAR

YOGI RAM SURAT KUMAR Early 1998, I am in the street and see Yogi Ramsuratkumar’s car. I stop and wait as the car slowly comes. The car stops, and Yogiji raises his hand and says, ‘My Father blesses you, S. My Father blesses you.’ S says, ‘Yogiji, I have written a very big letter to you—five pages.’ Yogiji says, ‘Oh! you have blessed this beggar very greatly! It’s a great blessing when someone writes to this beggar.’ S says, ‘I was concerned that it might be a great trouble to you, Yogiji.’ Yogiji says, ‘No. All is this beggar’s Father. Whatever He gives is blessing.’ In communion with ‘Brahman’ all the time he traveled all over India, mostly on foot from 1952 to 1959 and settled at Tiruvannamalai. He had neither any place to stay nor any money for food or other needs. He could be found underneath the Punnai tree, Railway platform, Arunachaleswarar Temple or on the protruding planks of vessel shops during nights. He used to circumbulate around Mount Arunachala. On th

Great Gurus of India - KIRUPANANDA VARIYAR

KIRUPANANDA VARIYAR Swamigal established Thiruvarul Dhavaneri Manram’ with his own cost and appointed Preachers for propagating the religious and devotional rites and ideals. Life of Swamigal spread over the devotional activities, Religious rites, particularly Swamigal made Saint Arunagirinathar’s ‘Thiruppugazh’ known to the entire world. Swamigal set himself as a legend for self discipline; above all his life made men to live as men. Variyar Swamigal had enormous, deep knowledge and practice of literature and music. He conquered, discipline, extraordinary memory power, kindness and vast knowledge of texts. Helping the poor, abounding compassion towards the helpless people, endowing to the best possible extend to eradicate poverty, providing food, clothing and shelter for the aged people who are in the autumn season of their last days of life, irrespective of their caste, creed and race were the services rendered to the society by Swamigal as his day to day duties. Born:  Aug

Great Gurus of India - PAMBAN SWAMIGAL

PAMBAN SWAMIGAL One night Pamban Swami’s daughter was crying due to illness. Her mother requested Pamban Swami to give vibhuti to the crying child but Pamban Swami refused to do so and informed his wife to pray to Lord Murugan for help and started his meditation to Lord Murugan. She did as she was told by Pamban Swami. After sometime Pamban Swami saw the child was not crying and found her fast asleep. When Pamban Swami asked the mother about the change she replied that after her prayer to Lord Murugan, a saintly figure came inside the house and applied vibhuti on the child and went away. From that moment on the child was cured. One time Pamban Swami was walking on a rough track and a thorn pricked and pierced into his foot. The terrible pain made Pamban Swami to shed tears and pray to God. On the same night Lord Murugan came in the dream of a cobbler in the next village and informed him to make and give a pair of slippers to Pamban Swami. When Pamban Swami was traveling to t

Great Gurus of India - RAMALINGA SWAMIGAL

RAMALINGA SWAMIGAL RAIN WITHOUT DRENCHING One evening the swami went out for a walk with the devotees. Suddenly it rained. All of them except the swami got drenched in the rain. Not even a drop of rain was seen on the swami body. FEEDING THE UNEXPECTED GUESTS One night, food had been cooked in the Dharma Shala for a limited number of people. Unexpectedly about a hundred additional guests came at the time of serving the food. Shanmugam Pillai, the man in charge of the food section, reported to the Swami that food was not sufficient to serve all. The Swami immediately rose up voicing forth “pich”. This was Swami’s characteristic exclamation at the time of performing miracles, possibly signifying that it was a child’s play and there was nothing impossible and there was the divine blessing to do what was need. According to Ooran Adigal, the biographer of the Swami’s life in Tamil, “pich” is a short form of “Pichchan” (name of the divine Lord) which is derived from “Pichchu”


LOKENATH BRAHMACHARI The Unwelcomed Guest A persistent devotee once beseeched Baba to attend a dinner that was part of the last ceremonial rites for his late father. Baba never left the ashram for social events and no one ever insisted that He attend them in person. This devotee, however, refused to accept that, so Baba promised to attend. On the day of the dinner, the devotee received all of his guests. His entire attention was preoccupied, however, anticipating his most important guest, Baba Lokenath. He longed to see Baba. He restlessly watched as all of his guests arrived, feasted, and then left one by one. There was no sign of Baba. That night he became very depressed. He could not believe that Baba would break His promise. He condemned himself thinking that he must be a sinner. Why else would his master fail him? The next morning, he visited Baba, prostrated himself, and asked Baba why He had not come, since he had expected Baba with all his heart. Baba replied that H

Great Gurus of India - SESHATHRI SWAMIGAL

SESHATHRI SWAMIGAL Shri Manicka Swamy was an ardent devotee of Avathar Sri Seshadri Swamigal. He was spiritually in an advanced stage. So Swami used to warn him not to sleep. One night Manicka Swamy was having a Sathsang with Avathar Sri Seshadri Swamigal in front of Shri Kambathu Ilayanar shrine of Shri Arunachaleshwar Temple. Swami was scattering his mysterious words from 9 p.m. to 2 a.m. in the company of Manicka Swamy. As it was high time for sleep, without bothering that he was sitting with Swami, Manicka Swamy was over powered by sleepy feelings and laid himself down to sleep for five minutes. Seeing that Swami’s verbal warnings not to sleep did not succeed, Swami thought of another strategy, through which he induced in him a nightmarish dream as described here: Riding a huge buffalo, a dark and ugly looking Yama (Lord of Death) with five of his minions standing by, commanded: “Tie a rope round the necks of these five sinners and drag them away.” Accordingly,