Great Gurus of India - YOGI RAM SURAT KUMAR


Early 1998, I am in the street and see Yogi Ramsuratkumar’s car. I stop and wait as the car slowly comes.
The car stops, and Yogiji raises his hand and says, ‘My Father blesses you, S. My Father blesses you.’
S says, ‘Yogiji, I have written a very big letter to you—five pages.’
Yogiji says, ‘Oh! you have blessed this beggar very greatly! It’s a great blessing when someone writes to this beggar.’
S says, ‘I was concerned that it might be a great trouble to you, Yogiji.’
Yogiji says, ‘No. All is this beggar’s Father. Whatever He gives is blessing.’
In communion with ‘Brahman’ all the time he traveled all over India, mostly on foot from 1952 to 1959 and settled at Tiruvannamalai. He had neither any place to stay nor any money for food or other needs. He could be found underneath the Punnai tree, Railway platform, Arunachaleswarar Temple or on the protruding planks of vessel shops during nights. He used to circumbulate around Mount Arunachala. On those days His first friend was a dog whom He named as “ Sai Baba”.It was in 1977 a devotee of Bhagwan arranged a house in Sannadhi street near the temple. Devotees started visiting Him in this house. Don’t forget it- this is your heart- this is your soul. Whether it be Om Namasivaya or Om Namo Narayana whether Rama, Siva or Krishna whatever name you choose, whatever form you choose doesn’t matter. But remember the lord with any name, with any form of your choice. Just as when there is heavy rainfall, we take an umbrella, and go on doing our work in the factory, in the field, wherever we go for marketing and catching hold of the umbrella we go though the rain is falling there. But still we work-still we work-do our work. Similarly we have got so many problems all around. This divine name is just like an umbrella in the heavy rainfall. Catch hold of the divine name and go on doing your work in the world. This beggar begs of you and this beggar has received all he has begged of you. So I think none of you will shrink away, when this beggar begs of you, don’t forget the divine name. This beggar prays to his father to bless you all who have come here. My Lord Rama blesses you- My Father blesses you. Arunachalaswara blesses you. It doesn’t matter to me what name it is. All the blessings of my father for all of you! Well, that is the end. That is all.
Born: December 1, 1918
Left the body abode: February 20, 2001
Birth Place: Lalga nj ,near Kashi
Known as: Visiri samiyar Known for: His name as “YOGI”
Guru: Sri Aurobindo gave him Jnana, Sri Ramana Maharshi blessed him with tapas and Swami Ramdas gave him the nectar of Bhakti.
Quote: Father alone exists. Nothing else. Nobody else.
Ashram: Yogi Ram Surat Kumar Ashram, Tiruvannamalai


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