
Showing posts from November, 2021

Horscope study of Lord Rama

  Horscope study of Lord Rama   Guru Shatananda carefully unfolded the silk cloth on which the auspicious chart had been drawn. Rama has come to this planet under the Karka Lagna with the moon residing in the Lagna and Jupiter exalted under the auspicious star Punarvasu.   “I will share with you the extraordinary characteristics of Rama as suggested by his horoscope. He is purushottama: the highest among all beings. Jupiter is the Lord of the ninth house representing dharma and is exalted in the Lagna. The foremost aspect of his personality is his commitment to dharma. He is verily the embodiment of dharma and will follow it to the letter and in spirit. His knowledge of the sastras is thorough. His focus and commitment are unparlleled. Both Janaka and Sunayana listened attentively.   “An exalted sun shows that he will honour his word. He will create an extensive empire and re-establish dharma.' Both Sunayana and Janaka, observed the rishi's repeated emphasis on dhar

Panchanga Darshini 2022
