Horscope study of Lord Rama


Horscope study of Lord Rama


Guru Shatananda carefully unfolded the silk cloth on which the auspicious chart had been drawn. Rama has come to this planet under the Karka Lagna with the moon residing in the Lagna and Jupiter exalted under the auspicious star Punarvasu.


“I will share with you the extraordinary characteristics of Rama as suggested by his horoscope. He is purushottama: the highest among all beings. Jupiter is the Lord of the ninth house representing dharma and is exalted in the Lagna. The foremost aspect of his personality is his commitment to dharma. He is verily the embodiment of dharma and will follow it to the letter and in spirit. His knowledge of the sastras is thorough. His focus and commitment are unparlleled. Both Janaka and Sunayana listened attentively.


“An exalted sun shows that he will honour his word. He will create an extensive empire and re-establish dharma.' Both Sunayana and Janaka, observed the rishi's repeated emphasis on dharma as they quickly glanced at each other and turned back to the rishi.


"The presence of the moon in the lagna is an indication of his pleasing personality. He can win many battles without fighting. Even the enemy is likely to feel love towards him in his presence. He will also give a lot of importance to what is perceived by society.' Sunayana was pleased with the idea of not having to fight. Janaka sighed at the thought of acting on the unpredictable opinions of people.


“Now I will tell you about his relationship with Sita.


The seventh house is associated with the spouse.


"Saturn is exalted in the fourth house and is the lord of the seventh house. Mars is exalted in the seventh house.


Both Saturn and Mars are associated with agriculture and give a clue for where to look for a wife for him. Janaka you found Sita while tilling the land, isn't it? Janaka nodded in assent.


"Mars is the lord of the fifth house, which represents the merits of the past life. The lord of the fifth house being exalted in the seventh indicates that theirs is a relationship across lifetimes. Further, Mars is the adipathi of sama veda. He is the embodiment of dedication and devotion. His exaltation is an indication of Sita's one-pointed devotion to Rama. Further, the lord of the seventh house is residing in the fourth house. This shows where you place your life partner. Rama has placed Sita in the throne of his heart She will know what he wants even without him telling her: that is how aligned she will be with Rama. Perhaps this is divine love. Saturn is exalted in his fourth house and is also the lord of the seventh house, which is for marriage. Further, Saturn is aspecting the lagna too. Looking at this, one can clearly say that her life will revolve around Rama and she can even be called his greatest follower or devotee.' Sunayana did not know much about houses. But the fact that Sita was well-matched for Rama astrologically was sufficient.


"Shukra is exalted in the ninth house. This clearly shows that Rama will be extremely loving and caring towards Sita. He will involve her in everything. Jupiter and the moon together are aspecting the seventh house, which represent the life partner. Rama will always treat Sita with immense respect and love.' Sunayana thought this must be the case in Janaka’s horoscope too for Janaka was very respectful and loving.


“The exalted Mars in the seventh house also indicates that Rama will fight great battles, if necessary, for his wife. He will stand by her in the face of any adversity. Since Jupiter, the lord of his ninth house, and the moon are aspected by Saturn and Mars with a malefic impact, there will be emotional turbulence and challenges that arise in their life through his father and mother. But what shines forth most predominantly is that his love for Sita will be the purest and the highest. The planet posted in the seventh house (Mars), the lord of the seventh house Jupiter) and the significator (Venus), all are exalted. This indicates a love that is exalted, perhaps divine.' In Ayodhya, Sita would have three mothers, not just one. Sunayana hoped and prayed they would be loving to her dear daughter.


“Janaka, there is the presence of a strong enemy too. Rahu is debilitated in the sixth house, which is the house of the enemy. The lord of the sixth house is Jupiter. It is likely that a Brahmana of supreme intelligence, misusing that knowledge, will be his enemy. But do not fear, because there are all indications of a divine presence in Rama. He has come to the earth for a higher purpose, to redeem humanity from negative forces. The sun is aspecting Saturn in the seventh house and telling us that Sita too will be a tearless queen. Our young princess will be an idol for courage, Janaka.' Janaka's eyebrows were furrowed and he seemed to be in deep thought.


“And finally, Ketu in the twelfth house indicates that he will have no rebirth unless it is by his own choice. Janaka, even a commoner can feel the divinity in Rama's presence. In just a few days, he has won the hearts of the entire populace of Mithila. There is a continuous flow of people where Vishwamitra is housed with the boys; they just want to have his darshan. And Rama meets them patiently and with a smile. The people have taken offerings of sweets, fruits, flowers; weavers have woven special silks just for him; sculptors have carved idols to present to him; no one has gone empty-handed. The look in their eyes is as if they are going to the temple with an offering to the divine. There is talk among the people that they went wanting to ask him many questions, but that they went blank when they saw him. They see his smile and feel uplifted, as if all their worries are gone. Rama has been exceedingly patient in meeting all of them. This kind of affection is not ordinary, Janaka. His presence has kindled the spark of love and devotion in the entire city. Every man, woman and child has given their hearts to him, including me!" said Guru Shatananda, with an endearing smile. Janaka and Sunayana joined their palms and bowed down to their guru. He raised his right hand in a gesture of blessing.



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